Photo by: Evgeniya369/Shutterstock

Company Has Created A Pair Of Underwear That Never Has To Be Washed

If you hate to wash your underwear, there is some good news coming your way from a Minnesota company named HercLeon. They have come up with what it calls “the world’s cleanest underwear,” an innovative self-cleaning undergarment that can be worn daily for weeks, even months, without becoming smelly.

It’s all because of a revolutionary material called HercFiber which continuously destroys all bacteria and stays clean without needing a wash. All you have to do is let the underwear “air out” for a bit after wearing it, and you can safely put it on again the next day. HercFiber is made with a blend of Bamboo, Eucalyptus, Beechwood, and Copper fibers. The copper is anti-infection, antibacterial, and also “stabilizes and heals” the skin, so when it’s weaved into the underwear, it slows the growth of bacteria and eliminates it.

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